Language Courses
Online German Courses – For All Needs!
At DeutschTutor we offer you online German classes for all language levels and for all areas of application. The tuition is held in private 1-on-1 lessons and is based on the Common European Framework for Languages (CEFR).
The course offering includes…
- Language courses from A1 to C2 (typical course contents)
- Conversation courses
- Exam preparation courses
- Job application training
- Special courses (e.g. sales talks, presentations)
Customized for You
The DeutschTutor-courses are no ready-made standard solutions, but customized courses developed according to your individual targets and conditions. Every course is unique and adjusted to your individual language level, interests, learning type, personality and targets. It is most important to us that your course really suits you. For that we make great efforts: For every single lesson we prepare contents and learning materials exclusively for you. Every lesson is thoroughly analyzed and the results determine the contents and design of the next one. This differentiates DeutschTutor from conventional language tuition which is usually based on standard language books. Our experiance and the feedback we receive from participants confirm that the extra efforts pay off: the tuition is not only more effective, but also more fun!

Corporate Courses
DeutschTutor for Organisations
Do you have employees who need German language skills for their professional communication and for whom learning online might be a favourable alternative. For example beacause they spend a lot of time travelling. Or because they work at a location without a suitable language school nearby. Or would you like to offer your staff the opportunity to improve their German conveniently from their workplace of rom their homes? In all those cases DeutschTutor could be the perfect solution.
German Courses Based on Your Needs
In our virtual classroom we train your employees German language skills at any place with internet access. Our training can be adjusted to the particular requirements of your organisation. We will include specific business language, train sales talks and presentations or train other skills which are important to you. With our LearnCoaching we help your employees meet the agreed targets fast and effective. At the same time you will always have full transparency of cost, completed lessons and achieved learning progress. Additionally we can develop specialized group courses, live-workshops and other individual solutions if requested.
Please contact us for an individual offer.
Exam Preparation
We Make You “Fit” for Your Language Exam!
Do you need – e. g. for your study at a German university or to apply for citizenship – a commonly accepted language certificate? In this case you will need to pass a language examination at a licensed examination center. We help you prepare yourself for your examination.
Language Exam Preparation Course
In our Exam Preparation Course we train you in exactly the abilities you will need to pass the the examination successfully.
Trial Examination
For a perfect preparation we offer the opportunity of a trial examination. The result will provide you a reliable foundation to decide wether you are ready to register for the real examination.
Details of Trial Exam
Exam Coordination
On request we can coach and support you during the whole examination procedure. I.e. we coordinate the examination at a suitable exam center close to your home and are always on your side if you have questions or if there are any issues.
What you need to know about language examinations and language certificates.
Please feel free to contact us. We will be glad to consult you and explain to you how we can support you with your examination.
Application Coaching
Apply Successfully for a Job in German Language!
Do you want to apply for a new job with a German speaking company or institution? Then you can increase your chances of success dramatically with well prepared application documents in German language and by preparing yourself adequately for the job interview. We are ready to help you with that!
DeutschTutor ApplicationCoaching
With our ApplicationCoaching we can support you depending on your needs in various aspects of your application:
Application Documents
- We correct errors and assist you with the layout of your application documents
- We consult you and give you advice how to prepare your documents in the best way
Job Interview
- We train and simulate typical job interview situations with you
- We analyse your performance and help you present yourself in the most favourable way
Interested? Feel free to contact us and let us explain how we can support you in your personal case..